Cap de Creus and its nature park

At the very eastern tip of Spain, Cap de Creus, or "the cross" in Catalan, remains a place completely apart. This is where the Pyrenees meet the Mediterranean, in a chaos of mountains and cliffs, folds and folds of rock, islets and coves, slopes battered by the tramontana and fragrant scrubland. Under the southern sun, Cap de Creus has no equal on the Costa Brava: the entire region is protected by a superb, virtually uninhabited nature park, guaranteeing its natural integrity and the absence of concrete development. Isn't that the true definition of Costa Brava, 'wild coast'? Between El Port de la Selva in the north and Cadaqués in the south, nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts will find their holiday paradise here, whether hiking or mountain biking, kayaking or boating, or simply lazing in the secluded coves of Cap de Creus...

The rugged coastline of Cap de Creus

- © Patricia Roman / Shutterstock

Cap de Creus, a "geological extravaganza

By extension, Cap de Creus, the rocky headland at the eastern end of the Iberian peninsula, gave its name to the entire nature park created in 1998, between El Port de la Selva and Cadaqués. It's the wildest part of the Costa Brava, unspoilt and difficult to access, and its geological age is evident in its tortured, broken and striated rocks.

In a word: magnificent. The backdrop is the deep blue of the Mediterranean, sometimes immensely calm, sometimes churned by crashing waves.

Boating around Cap de Creus

- © Belikova Oksana / Shutterstock

As you will have gathered, the scenery at Cap de Creus cannot leave anyone indifferent, especially lovers of wild nature and unspoilt landscapes. A land of inspiration for Dali himself, the Master used to say that the Pyrenees ended in a "geological delirium at Cap de Creus"!

Windward Cap de Creus

- © dnaveh / Shutterstock

Cap de Creus and its tortured rocks made numerous appearances in the work of Salvador Dali, who was its creative neighbour throughout his life. It appears, for example, in the background of the painting The Spectre of Sex Appeal (1934), exhibited at the Dali Theatre-Museum in Figueres.

Monastery of San Pere de Rodes

- © jaume / Shutterstock

Long before Dali, others had already found inspiration in these unique landscapes: a true masterpiece of Romanesque art, the monastery of San Pere de Rodes, above El Port de la Selva, is thought to have been founded in the 9th century! The Benedictine monks were already enjoying the breathtaking views from here that you can admire today: Cap de Creus has not stopped inspiring vocations!

Cap de Creus, nature and the great outdoors on the Costa Brava

Forget hotels with swimming pools, long sandy beaches and parasols: none of that in the Cap de Creus nature park, which acts like a magnet for lovers of unspoilt nature. The park is very wild, with a few small roads through which you can drive, but that would be missing the point. At Cap de Creus, it's all about the great outdoors!

Hiking in Cap de Creus

- © Jose Diez Bey / Shutterstock

Cap de Creus, a hiker's paradise

The entire peninsula is criss-crossed by numerous hiking trails: whatever the season, these signposted paths are the best way to fully appreciate the unique beauty of Cap de Creus. The coastal routes from El Port de la Selva to the Cap de Creus lighthouse, and on to Cadaqués, are a must for lovers of deserted coves (don't forget your swimming costume in fine weather!), cliffs and seascapes. Some of the paths, though rocky, are ideal for mountain biking.

One of the best walks starts from Port Lligat and takes 4 hours to reach Cap de Creus. Alternatively, there is a road leading to the Cap de Creus lighthouse, a good starting point for exploring the area on foot.

Lost cove, accessible by sea

- © carlos larrechi / Shutterstock

Cape Creus by sea

Another way of approaching the cape is by sea: kayak from Port Lligat, for example, and on a calm day with calm seas, you can easily paddle along the rocky folds of Cap de Creus, where you can bathe in the astonishingly clear waters. From then on, scuba diving is a constant temptation: the diving clubs of Cadaqués will take you to discover these rocky, fish-filled seabeds.

Quiet anchorage

- © Geofff / Shutterstock

On a less sporty note, you can explore Cap de Creus on a hire boat, with or without a skipper, ideal for finding a quiet spot to let yourself be rocked by the peaceful roll of the Mediterranean.

⛵ Discover the Costa Brava by boat Costa Brava

⛵ Discover the Costa Brava by boat

Hire a boat to explore the Costa Brava!
£50 / day

Where to stay around Cap de Creus?

Hotel Octavia

To explore Cap de Creus, the best base will be Cadaqués and its smaller neighbour Port Lligat. There is plenty of on-site accommodation, well placed for exploring the nature park.

Octavia Hotel Costa Brava

Octavia Hotel

Beautiful hotel located close to the port.
8.4 Top
£113 / night

El Port de la Selva is another good base, but a little less charming, offering access to some beautiful, unspoilt coves and a number of hiking trails.

Practical information

📍 Location: Cap de Creus

👛 Price: €5.50 and free for children under 8.

Opening times: open from June to September, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, and from October to May, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 5.30pm.

🚌 Getting there: by car, parking 2min from the monastery, or on foot, several hiking trails lead to and from the monastery, including a route starting from El Port de la Selva.

🥾 Hiking: maps of signposted trails are available from the Cadaqués or El Port de la Selva tourist offices, and from the Cap de Creus nature park information office at the San Pere de Rodes monastery.

by Faustine PEREZ
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