Thrills and adventure at the Les Bourtes via Ferrata

The via ferrata at Les Bourtes is the ideal spot for summer adventurers in La Plagne. Tyrolean traverse, monkey bridge and climbing are all on offer on this route through the mountains. Free access for experienced climbers, but the scenery is well worth the effort! The rather steep ascent of this landscaped area is not for everyone.

A short walk from Belle-Plagne is required to reach the start of this sensational ascent. At the edge of the Roche de Mio cable car, the imposing ridge rises up at the centre of the resort. In summer and winter alike, La Plagne's mountainous terrain is full of secrets and activities not to be missed.

© Isabelle FABRE / Office de Tourisme de La Grande Plagne

The art of via ferrata

Via ferrata is an outdoor sport practised on rock faces of varying degrees of steepness, popular with climbing and hiking enthusiasts. Metal elements are used to make the rock passable and, depending on the location, other elements such as monkey bridges or zip lines are added.

Often climbed independently, the ascent is secured by a lifeline linking the climber to the rock face. Graded into six levels, the courses are more or less suitable for beginners, depending on the elements and the quality of the route. Follow the instructions at the start of the route and set off to discover the sumptuous scenery on each wall.

The practice is self-belaying, meaning that you manage your own safety. So you need to be equipped to take no risks. If you want to try via ferrata, make sure you have a harness, a special lanyard and a helmet. As most of the routes are mountainous, gloves, suitable footwear, small climbing gear and a rucksack are highly recommended.

Mountaineer climbing a via ferrata

- © Viktor Cap / 123RF

Vertiginous installation

In the heart of La Plagne, a via ferrata was built in 2015 for climbing and hiking enthusiasts. On the Crête des Bourtes, an impressive monkey bridge crosses two rock faces overlooking the Lac des Blanchets. For the curious onlooker, this ridge can be seen from the middle of the La Roche de Mio chairlift, on the right-hand side.

Climber seated on the footbridge of the La Plagne via ferrata

- © Isabelle FABRE / Office de Tourisme de La Grande Plagne

The lowest point is at an altitude of 2,350 metres and the highest at 2,560 metres, providing breathtaking scenery for adventurers taking up the challenge! The 600-metre route is equipped with cables, ladders, ramps, a monkey bridge and zip lines. The entire route is equipped with a continuous Aeroligne lifeline, so there's no need to undo karabiners from one piece of equipment to the next.

3, 2, 1... climb!

From Belle Plagne, it's a 45-minute walk to the starting point of the Les Bourtes via ferrata. Once the instructions have been read and the equipment secured, experienced adults and children accompanied by an experienced adult can set off on the climb.

Fairly difficult to difficult, the climb begins with a fairly steep slope that leads to a Nepalese bridge, from where the beauty of the distant landscape makes you forget all the effort you have put in. The route continues between the rocks of the ridge, before offering the lucky participants a breathtaking view of Mont Blanc, which is far from being available to everyone!

Thrill-seekers will opt for the 300-metre zip-line descent, while the more down-to-earth ferratists will reach the ground on foot. After this vertiginous and sensational climb, it's a short hour's walk back to Belle-Plagne.

La Plagne

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La Plagne
La Plagne
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