Les sentiers du Verdon: hiking in the Grand Canyon

Another way to discover the Gorges du Verdon is on foot! And yet, given the panorama offered by these sheer walls plunging down to the river, you'd be forgiven for wondering how it's possible to walk there, given the seemingly impassable nature of the canyon... There are indeed marked footpaths for plunging into the heart of the Gorges du Verdon, or taking advantage of the superb viewpoints. Some walking routes have even become legendary among hikers: the Blanc Martel trail and the Imbut trail are both memorable walking experiences. Hiking in the Gorges du Verdon is not a trivial activity: you need to be careful in all circumstances. Each path has its own level of difficulty, but all are well-marked and accessible to anyone wishing to immerse themselves in the spectacular nature of the Grand Canyon du Verdon.

Verdon Canyon

- © Valentin EYNAUD / Shutterstock

The Blanc Martel trail, a legendary hike in the Gorges du Verdon

Without further ado, let's get to the heart of the matter, with a hike that has become legendary: the Blanc Martel trail. Its name is steeped in history: in 1905, the speleologist Édouard-Alfred Martel, his guide (and teacher from Rougon!) Isidore Blanc, and a whole team explored the Gorges du Verdon from end to end for the first time, during a difficult expedition that will go down in the region's legends.

Descent of the Blanc Martel trail

- © Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock

The well-developed Blanc Martel trail no longer presents the same difficulties as it did in the past, but it is still suitable for experienced hikers. Don't set off lightly! Good footwear is essential, as is a supply of water (especially in summer) and a headlamp if you need to cross some of the tunnels. The route, which partly follows the GR4, is very well signposted (red and white), so there's no problem finding your way around.

Deep in the Gorges du Verdon

- © marako85 / Shutterstock

Starting from the Chalet de la Maline, on the Route des Crêtes, and finishing at Point Sublime (Rougon), or vice versa, the trail is reputed to be the most beautiful in the Gorges du Verdon. It takes you through some spectacular scenery, with a number of highlights: the descent to the bottom of the canyon, the narrow passage through the Imbert Gap (252 steps), which is downright vertiginous, the passage through the Samson couloir and the breathtaking view from the Point Sublime... 6 hours' walking in total, so you'll need to have a minimum of crampons!

The Imbert breach

- © Wirestock Creators / Shutterstock

Practical info

🥾 The Blanc Martel trail

📍 Start: Chalet de la Maline, La Palud sur Verdon

📍 Finish: Point Sublime, Rougon

🕑 Time: approx. 6h (15km)

⛰️ Ascent: 370m

👉 Difficulty: medium to difficult

The Imbut path, descent to the Verdon Styx

The other not-to-be-missed path in the Gorges du Verdon, the sentier de l'Imbut, remains shrouded in mystery as it descends straight down to the Styx du Verdon, a particularly narrow and chaotic secondary branch of the canyon.

On the Imbut trail

- © marako85 / Shutterstock

The Styx was the name given by the ancient Greeks to the river of Hell: when Édouard-Alfred Martel discovered this extraordinary, almost disquieting site, where the waters of the Verdon disappear into a cave beneath an indescribable mass of large rocks, this mythological nickname immediately sprang to mind.

The Verdon Styx

- © Elena Ska / Shutterstock

The hikers who venture out on this trail today are no less so: the Styx du Verdon, an extraordinary natural formation, is both magnificent and bewitching. The most common starting point is on the left bank, from the Corniche Sublime, near the Auberge des Cavaliers, but it is also possible to leave from the Chalet de la Maline by crossing the Estellié footbridge.

Let there be no mistake, discovering the Styx du Verdon is for experienced hikers only: the route is difficult and requires a good technique, and above all, you must not be prone to vertigo! What's more, you'll need to find out about water releases from the dam before setting off, as well as the maintenance conditions for the path, which is frequently affected by winter scree. For the inveterate hiker, this trail is as demanding as it is rewarding.

Practical info

🥾 The Imbut trail

📍 Start and finish Auberge des Cavaliers, Aiguines

🕑 Duration: 4 to 6 hours (10km)

⛰️ Ascent: 1000m

👉 Difficulty: difficult to very difficult

The Lizard Trail, a family hike

The Gorges du Verdon are not all difficult trails. The Lézard trail has been specially designed to be easy for all the family: you can walk for between 30 minutes and a full 2 hours.

View from Point Sublime

- © Marina VN / Shutterstock

The route starts from Point Sublime, with the highlights being the Tusset stone bridge over the Verdon, then the Samson corridor and its famous tunnels, alongside the Blanc Martel route.

Practical info

🥾 The Lizard trail

📍 Start and finish: Chalet de la Maline, La Palud sur Verdon

🕑 Duration: approx. 2 hours (5km)

⛰️ Vertical rise: 80m

👉 Difficulty: easy

Tips from the editor for hiking in the Gorges du Verdon

There are a good dozen other trails for hiking in the Gorges du Verdon. In this breathtaking natural environment, you should never lose sight of the fact that there is always danger: you can easily avoid a mishap by following a few safety rules, and a few rules of common sense.

👉 Equipment for hiking in the Gorges du Verdon

Always bring good shoes, a rucksack, sun protection, plenty of water and something to eat to keep your strength up. A map of the paths through the gorges, or a GPS track, is never a bad idea.

👉 Best season for hiking in the Gorges du Verdon

  • There are plenty of people hiking in summer, the high season. Beware of the heat, and the risk of fires.
  • Spring (May-June) and autumn (September-October) are the two nicest seasons for hiking.
  • In winter, we strongly advise against venturing into the canyon!

👉 Safety in the Gorges du Verdon

  • Never leave the marked trails, and never cross the Verdon off the footbridges.

  • Always ask about the weather forecast: a thunderstorm and the Verdon quickly changes pace... or even level! The same applies to the days when the Verdon dam is released.

  • Fires are strictly forbidden.

  • Do not leave anything behind (plastic, rubbish, etc...)

  • Do not pick flowers: leave as little trace as possible of your passage.


✈️ Flights to Nice

Nice is easy to reach by plane from a number of French and European cities
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The Gorges du Verdon
The Gorges du Verdon
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