Jozani forest getaway

Zanzibar is best known for its white sandy beaches, cultural mix, spices and turquoise coastline. But the island is also full of treasures and surprises. At its heart lies the Jozani forest, a protected nature reserve with an exceptional ecosystem. The site offers wonderful walks in the shade of its luxuriant canopy. The star of the place, the island's endemic primate, the red colobus monkey, has made this forest its territory. It's the ideal place to observe them during a peaceful stroll through this primary jungle. What's more, the monkeys aren't the only attraction here. There are plenty of signposted trails to explore the vegetation in greater depth and discover the fascinating flora. There are also many varieties of exotic trees and a beautiful mangrove swamp. And the youngest visitors will be fascinated by the hundreds of butterflies that inhabit the forest. This reserve promises a great escape.

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In the heart of Zanzibar lies the beautiful Jozani rainforest, which is also a protected national park. The park is made up of a planted forest and a primary forest. Visits generally take place in the primary forest. An emblematic site on the island, it is sure to impress day-trippers in search of the exotic and eager to discover the beauty of the island's flora and fauna.

© Becker Stefan / Shutterstock

The Jozani rainforest, a magnificent swamp jungle, offers travellers several options for visiting the area.

An ideal place to immerse yourself in nature's abundance, it is home to many species of animal. Part of the park is dedicated to observing the famous red colobus monkey, a species of primate endemic to Zanzibar. It is easily recognisable with its pretty tricoloured coat of red, white and black. A visit to the park offers hikers the pleasure of observing the animal in its natural habitat. Not very shy, it is very sociable by nature, and it is not uncommon for it to approach humans. However, it is important to keep your distance from it to allow it to evolve properly in the wild so that it does not become too accustomed to contact with humans. This rule can be difficult to respect, as these monkeys make contact easily. But it's important to bear in mind that red colobus monkeys are still wild animals and it's difficult to predict their reactions and behaviour. It's important to observe them in silence and with respect for their natural habitat.

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Covering an area of 50km2, the park has numerous signposted footpaths, so you don't need to be an experienced hiker to enjoy the forest. The guides who accompany the hikers come from 9 neighbouring villages and co-manage the park together. This ensures that you have someone who knows the forest inside out, and who will be able to show you all the variety of local biodiversity. You'll be able to admire dozens of mahogany trees, for example. They were originally planted to harvest their wood, but are now protected. A must-see on your visit is the emblematic "Mama Mtondo", a tree that is over 200 years old and is, in a way, the master of the place. You'll also see the strangler fig, a tree with an enigmatic name that uses other trees as a support to grow. Very often, the support tree ends up dying.

© Dariusz Jarzabek / Shutterstock

Finally, you can explore the beautiful mangroves of the forest. The special feature of this national park (the only national park on the island) is that it lies between land and sea.

It is home to Chawka Bay, an important mangrove area for fish reproduction. Depending on the tide, you can see fish slithering between the mangrove roots and crabs scuttling here and there.

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If you want to take the experience even further, spend a night on the edge of the park at the Jozani Biosphere village. The hotel is integrated into the natural environment, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in local life. Here, you can have breakfast while admiring the monkeys and listening to the sound of the birds.

Jozani Biosphere Village Zanzibar

Jozani Biosphere Village

magnificent hotel in Zanzibar
see the offer

Practical information

The Jozani Forest is accessible from Stone Town by bus, and is around 35km from the capital. Many hotels offer day trips. It's even easier if you hire a car. But the site is also accessible by taxi. It is advisable to visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to maximise your chances of seeing animals. The best time to visit the park is between June and February, and the cost is $12 per person.

by Faustine PEREZ
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