The Salazie cirque, a green paradise

Réunion is bursting with breathtaking natural scenery. When planning your trip, don't forget to pack your trainers and explore the areas accessible to hikers, such as the natural cirques. In Salazie, in the heart of the mountains, a 10,000-hectare green paradise awaits you. Vertiginous waterfalls, villages with typical Creole architecture and a tropical forest are just some of the highlights of a visit to the Salazie cirque.

The whole of the Salazie cirque is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is home to the Voile de la Mariée, one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the island. At the centre of the Cirque de Salazie, the impressive Piton d'Anchaing dominates the landscape! As well as this majestic nature, Salazie is appreciated for its charm and authenticity, as it is here that you will find some of the most beautiful Creole huts and gardens on the island!

Let us take you on a tour of this must-see treasure of Réunion Island, and let's get started!

The Salazie cirque, a verdant paradise

- © andrmoel / Shutterstock

What is the Salazie cirque?

Panoramic view of Réunion's peaks from the Cirque de Salazie

- © JeanLucIchard / Shutterstock

The Salazie cirque is located in the north-east of Réunion Island. A green and therefore very rainy area, it is awash with natural treasures. Of the island's three cirques, Salazie is the most accessible by road, but also by coast, taking just 30 minutes. Authentic and breathtaking for its multitude of landscapes and the diversity of plant and animal species that live there, Salazie will never cease to amaze you.

How do I get to the Salazie cirque?

Arriving from Saint-Denis, take the Nationale to Saint-André, then the Rivière du Mât and the RD 48 to Salazie. From Saint-André, it takes just 20 minutes on a beautiful road to reach the village. The road winds its way through lush green gorges and beautiful waterfalls. Once you reach the mouth of the Rivière du Mât gorge, the Salazie cirque unfolds before you.

What to do in Salazie

Salazie offers a wide range of activities. Hiking is unavoidable, with walks lasting from 30 minutes to 9 hours... it's up to you to choose the route that's right for you!

The verdant forest of Bélouve

- © JeanLucIchard / Shutterstock

The Bélouve forest is an authentic walk in the Salazie cirque. Like a real jungle, this forest is full of natural treasures. The paths on this tourist site have been laid out, and depending on the trail you choose, you can choose the difficulty of the hike, based on the length of the route and the gradient. The paths are all signposted when you set off from the Bélouve gîte. In 1? hours, you can reach the Trou de fer and its impressive waterfalls.

The famous Iron Hole

- © orxy / Shutterstock

More extreme, canyoning is a popular activity here. The most majestic place to canyon is the Trou de fer, with its three waterfalls. With a depth of 300 metres, it is accessible only by air. Beginners are advised to abstain; you need to be a seasoned adventurer to tackle the Trou de fer. Excursions with a professional are organised.

For relaxation, try angling. Salazie has a lot of fish-farming land and many amateur anglers can try their hand at trout fishing here. For example, in Hell-Bourg, a small typical Creole village, there is a "trout farm". There are several rearing ponds where you can organise a fishing trip with friends, family or even on your own. Enthusiasts and amateurs alike will find themselves here.

What to see in Salazie


Listed as one of the Most Beautiful Villages in France, Hell-Bourg is one of Réunion's must-sees. It's a typical village nestling in the heart of a verdant park that still retains traces of its past. The village's charm lies in its Creole-style huts and colourful gardens.

A typical Creole house

- © poupine / Shutterstock

Hell-Bourg was once a popular spa resort, popular from 1831 onwards, but was destroyed by a cyclone in 1948. In this village, you can discover the Maison Folio, a villa reserved for the wealthy families of the time, whose furnishings and architecture have retained the colonial and Creole style of yesteryear.

The Poule d'Eau pond

Situated between the village of Salazie and Hell-Bourg, this historic pond is a haven of peace. The diversity of animal and plant species that live here is what makes this place so special. In the past, several species of birds used to come to this pond, including moorhens, which probably arrived from Madagascar, hence its name.

La mare à Poule d'Eau

- © Zamir Popat / Shutterstock

After a cyclone in 1980, the Poule d'Eau pond was partially damaged, but it is still possible to observe these birds in the trees surrounding the pond. Today, kiosks, themed paths and log fire areas have been set up nearby. This site is very popular with families and anglers.

The Voile de la Mariée

Among the many waterfalls overlooking the cliffs of the Salazie cirque, the Voile de la Mariée is one of the most visited. Situated 5km from Hell-Bourg, it's almost impossible to miss on your trip. The Voile de la Mariée is actually a series of waterfalls running the length of the mountain. There are many legends on Réunion Island, and it is to one of them that we owe the name of the Bridal Veil.

Aerial view of the waterfall

- © Kletr / Shutterstock

In the first version, a rich man and a young woman from a modest background fall in love and decide to marry, for better or for worse. But the woman's father is against the marriage. On the day of the ceremony, he enters the church with a sword, determined to do battle with his future son-in-law. Fortunately, the couple managed to escape through the Salazie cirque. Unfortunately, the bride fell from the cliff and her veil caught on the wall. This gave the place its name, Voile de la Mariée (Bride's Veil). The second version says that the flow of the waterfall was once so intense that the water vapour created an effect resembling a veil.

The Piton d'Anchaing

This is the highest point in the Cirque de Salazie, at an altitude of 1,356 metres. The summit of the Piton d'Anchaing is reached by a 1? hour hike from Hell-Bourg. Once there, you'll be treated to a 360-degree panoramic view. The paths are accessible, but with a few changes in altitude, so families with children are advised not to take this walk. It owes its name to a legendary maroon slave, Anchaing, who is said to have lived on the peak when he fled for his freedom.

The Salazie cirque and the impressive Piton d'Anchaing.

- © KarlosXII / Shutterstock

⭐ Where to sleep?

You're sure to fall under the spell of this bed and breakfast, the perfect place to stay in Hell-Bourg. Located close to the centre of the village, the Relais des Gouverneurs is a real little nugget. This Creole-style residence is beautifully decorated. Ideal for a short break for two.

La Rèunion

Relais Des Gouverneurs

Located in Salazie, 8.7 km from Cirque de Salazie and 31 km from Cirque de Mafate
by Jude JONES
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