The Cannaregio district, authentic Venice

It's true that Venice not only seems to be sinking under its own weight in the sands of its lagoon, but also under the weight of the overflow of tourists it welcomes, day after day... But there is a remedy for that, if you don't like crowds: it's the quartier of Cannaregio.

Far from the pomp and bustle of St Mark's Square, Cannaregio is not in the centre of Venice: this _sestiere _(district) occupies the entire north-eastern part of the city. This sprawling district is not a must-see in the strict sense of the word, but rather a place to stroll, get lost and enjoy the atmosphere of a more authentic Venice.

Cannaregio itself has many facets, from the tall buildings of its former Jewish Ghetto to the bustling shops of its main shopping street, the Strada Nova: an exciting district, where you'll be happy to find a hotel!


- © Boris Stroujko / Shutterstock

Cannaregio, a district as lively as it is charming

Just because Cannaregio is considered to be on the fringes of the most touristy part of Venice doesn't mean that the district is devoid of life: on the contrary!

Typical Cannaregio setting

- © vvoe / Shutterstock

The lively heart of Cannaregio revolves around the Strada Nova: this major thoroughfare, which is obviously pedestrianised, sees a stream of visitors making their way as best they can towards the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco. All along the way, there are shops and boutiques for those who like to shop, bring back souvenirs or pick up a few local crafts.

Don't hesitate to take a random side street, along a discreet canal, or opening onto a secluded campo: that's the charm of Cannaregio. Your stroll could well take you all the way to the north of the district, to Fondamente Nove, where the Venetian lagoon widens out, with the cemetery island of San Michele opposite...


- © Alexandre Rotenberg / Shutterstock

For a drink or an evening meal, Cannaregio is also one of Venice's key areas. Head for the area around the Fondamenta de la Misericordia or further along the Fondamenta dei Ormesini, to relax on the banks of the canal in a very Venetian atmosphere! The ideal place to enjoy a spritz at Aperitivo time...

Cannaregio, at night

- © pio3 / Shutterstock

As you'll have gathered, Cannaregio is a district that's great for strolling around by day and by night: so it's also an ideal place to stay in Venice, quite simply! Although a little less sought-after than more central districts, you can still find a good, friendly and practical hotel here.

Alloggi Ai Tessitori Venice

Alloggi Ai Tessitori

Located in the Cannaregio district of Venice
9 Fabulous
£122 / night

What can you visit in the Cannaregio district?

Cannaregio is the perfect place to get lost while discovering a more authentic face of Venice, but be warned: Venice is still Venice, and the district is not lacking in tourist attractions: there's plenty to fill your visit book.

The Jewish Ghetto

The buildings of the Jewish Ghetto

- © gab90 / Shutterstock

The most interesting site to discover in Cannaregio is a district within the district: the creation of the Venice Ghetto was decided as early as 1516, as the only housing area permitted for Jews, on a small enclosed island off the heart of the city. It was the first of its kind in history. The flourishing activity that reigned there, combined with the lack of space, led to the erection of buildings that were taller than elsewhere, rising up to seven storeys!

To enjoy the atmosphere, take a seat at the Campo di Ghetto Nove, and to understand the history of the area, stop off for a while at the Museo Ebraico (Hebrew Museum of Venice).

Ca'd'Oro Gallery

- © dav76 / Shutterstock

It's not uncommon to come across a new architectural masterpiece in Venice, whether you're wandering down an alleyway or along a canal: palaces and churches are a feature of Cannaregio, of course!

Among the palaces, the first is the Ca d'Oro, perhaps the most majestic of all Venetian palaces, a Gothic masterpiece overlooking the Grand Canal. It houses a splendid collection of Renaissance paintings. Ca' Vendramin Calergi also deserves a mention: the present-day Casino di Venezia was the residence of the composer Wagner until his death.

Churches punctuate the campi of Cannaregio, so typical of Venice. Many of them house Renaissance art treasures, such as the church of San Marcuola and the church of the Madonna dell'Orto, with their paintings by the great Venetian master Tintoretto.

The beautiful church of the Madonna dell'Orto

- © k_samurkas / Shutterstock

From the Fondamente Nove quays, you can continue your visit, this time by vaporetto, to the island of San Michele, the venerable Venetian cemetery, and Murano, or further out in the Venetian lagoon, to the islands of Burano and Torcello.

The Cannaregio district, practical information

🚌 How do you get around Cannaregio?

As everywhere in Venice, you mainly get around on foot in Cannaregio.

You can take the vaporetto down or up the Grand Canal, but also to connect the various stations in the north of the district, and the islands in the lagoon.

© Natalia Bratslavsky / Shutterstock

👉 Visit the Hebrew Museum:¨NBSP;

  • Campo di Ghetto Nuovo, 2902, B
  • Sunday to Friday, 10am-5.30pm
  • Admission €12, concessions €10
  • Information on the Hebrew Museum website

👉Visit the Ca d'Oro gallery:

  • Calle Ca d'Oro, 3934
  • Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-7pm
  • Full admission €6, concessions €2
  • Information and ticket reservations on the Galerie Franchetti alla Ca d'Oro website

👉 Visit the church of San Marcuola :

  • S. Marcuola, 1762
  • Daily, 9am-11am and 5.30pm-7pm
  • Free admission

👉 Visit the church of the Madonna dell'Orto :

  • Cannaregio, 3512
  • Monday to Saturday, 10am-5pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm
  • Admission €3
by Faustine PEREZ
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