5 things you absolutely must know about L. A. before going there

Located in southern California on the west coast, the city of Los Angeles is a symbol of the United States. World-famous for its huge "Hollywood" letters planted in the hillside, its pavements strewn with stars bearing their names, its sunny landscapes and its unique, mismatched architecture. But there's still a lot to know about this city. Here are 5 anecdotes about the City of Angels.

Vue panoramique sur la ville de Los Angeles.

- © Chones / Shutterstock

The history of HOLLYWOOD SIGN

Hoisted on Mount Lee overlooking the city, the "Hollywood" sign in giant letters (9 metres wide and 15 metres high) is undoubtedly the emblem of the film capital. Its history is linked to that of Hollywood and the cinema. In fact, in 1923, film-maker Mack Sennett was already the owner of this side of the hill, where he eventually planned to do business. Mack Sennett, then known as the King of Comedy, was one of the most important actors and directors of the silent era. He even ran Keystone Studios from 1912 to 1917, during which time he introduced Charlie Chaplin to cinema.

So it was he who decided to place huge letters forming the word "Hollywoodland" above the town, perhaps to enhance the hillside. What's more, at the time, the sign was illuminated by a myriad of light bulbs. But in the 1940s, it was unfortunately left to decay and fall into disrepair. In 1949, the Chamber of Commerce decided to renovate it and removed the last 4 letters so that only the word "Hollywood" remained.

© iStockphoto.com / Sean Pavone

But its story doesn't end there. At the beginning of the 1980s, although it had been classified as a "Los Angeles historic-cultural monument", which probably enabled it to escape destruction, the monument was in a very poor state of repair, forcing the city council to launch a national fund-raising campaign to finance its restoration. Alice Cooper, the rocker, financed the first "O" and Hugh Heffner, the boss of "Playboy", the "Y". New letters were then erected.

Behind Mount Lee.

- © Walter Arce / Grindstone Media Group / 123RF

30 years later, developers wanted to acquire this slope of Mount Lee, which meant destroying the Hollywood Sign, or at the very least radically changing the landscape. Once again, showbiz and Hollywood personalities rallied to the side of the State of California to finance or have financed the purchase of this land, including Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Arnold Schwarzenegger, then Governor of the State.

Behind the scenes at the Walk of Fame

Created in 1958, this pavement on Hollywood Boulevard littered with 2,500 stars is a tribute to the great names in music, film, theatre and television. Did you know that some of the stars are round? They are in fact dedicated to the men who landed on the moon in 1969 (Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins). In addition, 4 stars have already been stolen since the Walk of Fame was created, the latest being that of Gregory Peck, the great actor of the 40s and 60s, memorable in Alfred Hitchcock's "The House of Doctor Edward".

Le Walk of Fame à la hauteur du Graumann Theater

- © f11photo / 123RF

Not to mention those that have been destroyed... Donald Trump's, for example. Which star is impossible to walk on? Muhammad Ali's, who asked for his to be placed vertically on a wall. Finally, it is possible for celebrities to have several stars. There are also stars on which the same names are inscribed, even though they belong to two different people: this is the case of Michael Jackson and Harrison Ford.

L.A.: capital of cars and traffic jams!

It's impossible not to mention cars when talking about Los Angeles! Everyone gets around by car. It has to be said that the road network is vast.

On average, Los Angelenos spend more than 100 hours a year in traffic jams, which puts them on a par with residents of the world's most congested capitals, such as Moscow. But it's worth noting that neighbourhoods with few cars on their streets are still common, especially in residential areas.

Les circonvolutions d'un échangeur de L.A.

- © TierneyMJ / Shutterstock

Another fact that says a lot about their lifestyle is that there are more cars than inhabitants in the city, with over 4 million. We recommend that you hire a car to visit the city, as the distances between the various districts and tourist sites can be so long. Alternatively, you can take an affordable taxi.

© OneInchPunch / 123RF

Los Angeles: a city of spotlights and sunshine!

In the past, Los Angeles, and the Anaheim region in particular, was rich in orange groves. The sunshine is the main reason for this.

With its subtropical Mediterranean climate, Los Angeles is a very sunny city: overall, it enjoys more than 320 days of sunshine a year! Among other climatic features, Los Angeles is subject to the Santana (or Santa Ana) wind. Originating in the Pacific, it produces very dry, warm air, even in winter.

Sous le soleil de Venice beach

- © Geir Olav Lyngfjell / Shutterstock

It's incredible, but temperatures can exceed 30 degrees in early winter. On the other hand, the sea is quite cold and rarely exceeds 20 degrees, even at the height of summer. This is due to a cold current that runs along the Californian coast.

L.A., un petit air de Sahara

- © Emerictimelapse / 123RF

Los Angeles, queen of crazy laws

In Los Angeles, some laws seem completely improbable. Here are just a few examples: residents must remove their Christmas decorations by 2 February or face a fine.

Attention ! Veuillez laisser votre langue dans votre bouche.

- © Rusinova Tatyana / Shutterstock

You cannot set a mouse trap without a hunting licence. Spitting in the street is illegal, unless you are on a basketball court. Finally, it is illegal to lick toads.

Samesun Venice Beach Los Angeles

Samesun Venice Beach

Budget hotel just a stone's throw from Venice Beach
7.7 Fine
£99 / night
by Faustine PEREZ
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