A stroll through Aix-en-Provence city centre

With its pretty streets lined with period houses and private mansions brimming with restaurants, cafés, boutiques and other small businesses, the centre of Aix-en-Provence is a great place to discover and enjoy during a sunny stroll. From square to square, alley to alley, you can taste the gentle way of life that is so typical of Provence. The Rotonde and Cours Mirabeau are impressive in their size, the Madeleine church is a delight in its architecture, and the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville takes us back in time. All along the way, the stroll is lulled by the muted chirping of the city's many fountains. However, nightfall doesn't mean the end of the day: at twilight, Aixois and tourists alike gather on the terraces to enjoy the mild evening air. We're off to discover Aix-en-Provence's charming city centre!

© RossHelen / Shutterstock

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Aix-en-Provence, a Provencal jewel of art and gentle living, where history, culture and nature are harmoniously intertwined
£40 / person
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The Cours Mirabeau is Aix-en-Provence's best-known thoroughfare. No need to look for it, you won't be able to miss it! Wide and tree-lined, it was built in the 17th century to allow carriages to drive through the city. Today, it is lined with restaurants, small Provencal shops andmansions, the oldest of which was built at the same time as the Cours itself.

Cours Mirabeau, Aix-en-Provence.

- © Christian Mueller / Shutterstock

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings, the town's big market takes place on the Cours Mirabeau, providing an opportunity to discover the region's culinary specialities and crafts. Down the road, the impressive Rotonde fountain marks the entrance to the historic centre.

The narrow streets of the old town

The elegant streets of the old town of Aix-en-Provence are exactly what you'd expect of a picturesque Provencal village. The town has a population of almost 150,000, but that doesn't detract from its authentic charm. Cobbled, narrow, winding and bustling, the streets of the historic centre take visitors on a journey back in time.

Guided tour of the Provençal market with tastings Aix-en-Provence

Guided tour of the Provençal market with tastings

So that Aix-en-Provence can reveal all its secrets to you, take a guided tour of its history.
£35 / person

The buildings and monuments trace the city's history, some dating back to the Middle Ages. The atmosphere that reigns in this maze of baroque architecture is unlike anywhere else. Small cafés, local restaurants and shops selling clothes and souvenirs invite visitors to linger and enjoy the warmth of the south.

Place de l'Hôtel de Ville

You are now in a pretty tree-lined square dating back to the 14th century. To get there, you pass under the Clock Tower, the old gateway to the town of Saint-Sauveur. At its foot, the Town Hall, with its architecture inspired by Italian Renaissance palaces, was once richly decorated with statues of angels, busts of the Counts of Provence and monograms of the King. These were stolen during the French Revolution, but the building has lost none of its former splendour.

Place de l'Hôtel de Ville.

- © JeanLucIchard / Shutterstock

Today, the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville attracts visitors for its cafés and restaurants and for the friendly flower market held there three times a week.

La Madeleine church

The Place des Prêcheurs was the centre of public and social life before the inauguration of the Cours Mirabeau. It takes its name from the former Prêcheurs convent, which had stood there since the 13th century. Nearly 400 years later, it was decided to build a church on its site: the Eglise de la Madeleine. Its façade remained unfinished for almost a century before receiving a monumental veneer that made it one of the most beautiful churches in the Bouches-du-Rhône region.

L’église de la Madeleine à Aix-en-Provence.

- © Christian Mueller / Shutterstock

Both a place of worship and a museum, visitors can admire many works by local artists. Paul Cézanne was baptised in the Madeleine church.

The city's fountains

It's probably not lost on you as you wander around the old town: Aix-en-Provence has lots and lots of fountains. In all, there are more than 130 fountains echoing throughout the city. Some are very impressive, like the Rotonde fountain with its 32-metre diameter basin, while others are more discreet and unremarkable.

La fontaine de la Rotonde.

- © RossHelen / Shutterstock

The ancient name of Aix-en-Provence, Aquae Sextiae - the waters of Sextius in French - reminds us that water has always been an integral part of the history of the ancient capital of Provence. The city has always been fed by hot and cold springs, which enabled the Romans to develop it by building aqueducts, thermal baths and fountains.

Evenings in Aix

When the sun starts to set, the mildness of the Aix climate invites you to stay outside and enjoy the terraces and the friendly atmosphere. For dinner, head for the Place des Cardeurs, which is bursting with Provençal restaurants. And if you don't feel like going to bed just yet and want to continue the evening, you'll be spoilt for choice!

Aix-en-Provence nights are often lively.

- © Julie Mayfeng / Shutterstock

The narrow streets of the old town are littered with bars and pubs that come alive as soon as the sun goes down. Party-goers often follow this up with a visit to one of the town's ten discotheques. For something a little quieter, Aix-en-Provence's casino, three cinemas and numerous theatres, concert halls and café-theatres will fulfil your expectations.

Our favourite hotel in Aix-en-Provence

Le Pigonnet 5* - Aix-en-Provence Aix-en-Provence

Le Pigonnet 5* - Aix-en-Provence

Book your stay at the Pigonnet 5* on Booking.com!
£349 / night

A few tips for your visit:

  • The winding cobbled streets of the old town of Aix-en-Provence can be difficult for PRMs to navigate.
by Faustine PEREZ
Need a hand? take a look at our guide
Further reading
The Pavillon de Vendôme museum, a private mansion dedicated to art
The Pavillon de Vendôme museum, a private mansion dedicated to art
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