Murano, Burano and Torcello: the islands in the Venice lagoon

The Venice Lagoon is a complex and fragile ecosystem that has been man-made for centuries. It is dotted with islands: Venice itself occupies a good hundred of them! Others, further north, have also experienced a destiny parallel to that of the Serenissima, administered by the powerful City of the Doges.

Today, Murano, Burano and Torcello make up three ideal excursions for exploring the lagoon and escaping Venice for a while. A trip by vaporetto is a must, which only adds to the change of scenery!

Each of these islands has its own special features and history. Murano is world-famous for its ancient glassmaking skills. In Burano, lace-making rivals the coquetry of its colourful houses. Last but not least, Torcello** is a complete change of scenery, an island where the countryside has taken over from tourism.

These islands are an integral part of Venice, and if you spend even a day or two on them, you'll bring back nothing but beautiful memories.

The Grand Canal in Murano

- © Aliaksandr Antanovich / Shutterstock

Murano, the island of blown glass

Murano is the closest of the northern lagoon islands to Venice, so it's easy to get there by vaporetto and spend a few hours there.

It's not Venice, it's Murano!

- © Javen / Shutterstock

Murano appears to be a replica of the Serenissima, but on a smaller scale and without the major must-see monuments. It's made up of several islands linked by bridges, and its Grand Canal also runs through it!

Murano glass

- © ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock

Murano began specialising in glassmaking in the 13th century. This unique expertise made the island famous between the 15th and 18th centuries, when Murano glass was exported all over Europe. Glass houses, typical of the island's urban landscape, flourished alongside fine residences, as Murano became a sought-after holiday destination for Venetians.

© antoine briche

Glass-making is still very much alive in Murano: it's the typical souvenir to bring back from this excursion, and the shops are everywhere. Don't miss a stroll through the narrow streets of the town, a sort of miniature Venice, with its squares, churches and canals. There are a few hotels here and there too: wouldn't you be tempted to stay longer in Murano?

Casa Sulla Laguna Venice

Casa Sulla Laguna

Casa Sulla Laguna offers a terrace with panoramic views
9.7 Exceptional
£128 / night

Burano, lace and colourful houses

Further north, you need to take the vaporetto to reach Burano, which is always a good way to keep the island's crowds at bay. Perfect for a more tranquil holiday!

Burano's colourful houses

- © Aliaksandr Antanovich / Shutterstock

Like Murano, Burano has long specialised in one craft: needle lace. In the 16th century, Burano lace was snapped up by noblemen and middle-class citizens from all over Europe. After its heyday in the 18th century, production declined from the 19th century onwards. Few laces today are of the same quality as those made in the past on the island. When the pieces are sewn by hand, Burano lace is sold at a premium!

Needle lace in Burano

- © Simone Padovani / Shutterstock

But Burano is not just about lace. The island's scenery has a unique cachet, with canals lined with small houses with colourful facades. You'll never tire of wandering from alley to alley, looking for a pretty picture to take...

Some people even spend the night here!

Casa Burano Experience by Venissa Venice

Casa Burano Experience by Venissa

A charming hotel in Burano, 8 km from Venice
8.9 Superb
£148 / night

Torcello, an island in the countryside

Barely further than Burano, the next vaporetto stop is Torcello: a change of scenery guaranteed!

A change of scene in Torcello

- © Aliaksandr Antanovich / Shutterstock

One of the first inhabited islands in the lagoon, Torcello enjoyed a golden age until the tenth century. Its superb Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta (7th century), reputed to be the oldest monument in Venice, bears witness to this. Today, it is Torcello's only tourist attraction: for a long time, the island declined in favour of the City of the Doges, losing both its appeal and its inhabitants. There are currently no more than fifteen or so inhabitants!

Basilica of St Mary Assunta

- © Aliaksandr Antanovich / Shutterstock

That's what Torcello is all about: peace and quiet. Move away from the canal leading to the Basilica and take a little country path, towards the Casa Museo Andrich for example. The green, natural setting of the Venetian lagoon awaits you along the way.

Murano, Burano and Torcello: practical information

🚌 How do you get to the islands in the lagoon?

Vaporetto essential. It's best to take vaporetto line 12 from the Fondamente Nove stop in the Cannaregio district: the line in fact serves each of the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello. It's easier that way, and more direct too!

  • Journey time to Murano: 12min
  • Journey time to Burano: 43min
  • Journey time to Torcello: 42min

Murano lighthouse

- © Giulio Benzin / Shutterstock

👉¨NBSP;Which ticket should I use to get to the islands


Bear in mind that a vaporetto ticket costs €9.50. If you're going to explore several islands in the lagoon, it's best to get a travel card, as the vaporetto journeys will add up. A pass from ACTV, the transport company, can quickly be worth it (available online with the Venezia Unica pass).

👉 How much time should you spend on each island


To be quick, you can visit all 3 islands in a day, but don't hang around too long. Ideally, half a day to a full day for Murano or Burano, and a few hours to wander around Torcello.

Visit the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Torcello :

  • Open every day
  • March to October: 10.30am to 5.30pm
  • November to February: 10am to 5pm
  • Admission €5, concessions €4
  • Beautiful view from the bell tower
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