Meditation in Kandy

Sri Lanka, like India, is the cradle of yoga and meditation. For some years now, these ancient disciplines have been attracting the curiosity of Westerners. During your stay in Kandy, you can spend some time in one of these Buddhist meditation centres, perched in the surrounding mountains.

Meditation in Kandy

- © Microgen / Shutterstock

What is meditation?

In theory, meditation is quite simple. Meditation consists of choosing a point of attention and concentrating on it to "clear your mind". Emptying your brain of all extraneous thoughts is almost impossible. But it is possible to train yourself to follow your train of thought.

English speakers compare our brain to a little monkey that leaps from thought to thought like a vine to a vine. Indeed, if we observe our train of thought, we quickly notice that our attention span is short, and that we jump from idea to idea very quickly.

There are several types of meditation, some of which involve concentrating on a word called a "mantra", while others focus on a physical sensation, for example. Some require you to open your eyes and look at something, like the flame of a candle, for example.

Whatever the different types of practice, the aim is always to tame the famous 'monkey mind'.

Did you know?

Traditionally, yoga was used to stretch the body so that it could meditate for longer.


Yoga retreat in Kandy

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Meditation in Kandy

- © L. A. S. S. Silva / Shutterstock

Vipassana meditation in Kandy

Vipassana meditation is a very specific type of meditation practised in Kandy. It is said to be one of the oldest meditations in India. Common in most Asian countries, it consists of 10-day retreats in complete silence, during which even eye contact with other participants is forbidden. The diet is controlled and significantly reduced. All distractions such as reading, music, etc. are forbidden.

There are many Vipassana meditation centres in the mountains around Kandy. There, monks and beginners mix together. No matter what their origins or religions.

Do you speak english ?

Most meditation centres offer lectures and courses in English.

Bouddha in Kandy

- © Curioso.Photography / Shutterstock

Our feedback

We tried out a meditation course at the Sanatha Suwaya Meditation & Retreat Center, and the experience was intense but revealing and very enriching. We were made very welcome and quickly found our place among the monks and tourists.

It turns out that in practice, sitting still for an hour to concentrate and observe your brain is very difficult. Regular practice is crucial to reap the benefits of such a discipline. However, taking advantage of being in Kandy to try meditation is a very good idea.

Why meditate in Kandy? Meditation has many virtues: - Relaxation - concentration - better sleep - stress reduction - improved memory - pain reduction, etc.

People who have problems with stress management, mild depression or managing their emotions can benefit even more from this practice.

Kandy is a place where spirituality and tradition meet modernity. You can choose from a variety of meditation centres to find the one that suits you best. India and Sri Lanka are world-renowned for being the cradle of these ancient and sacred disciplines. Like yoga and ayurveda, meditation is a pillar of Sri Lankan culture.

Meditation in Kandy

- © Luneva Nadya / Shutterstock

Who should attend a meditation retreat?

Both young and old can try their hand at meditation. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, trying a meditation course in Kandy will be a new experience that you'll remember for a long time.

How long do you need to stay?

It all depends on you. Whether it's for an hour or 10 days, the benefits of meditation will be felt, at least in the short term. Enthusiasts recommend doing a retreat for a few days, to immerse yourself in the way of life parallel to this practice.

Bouddha in Kandy

- © Thomas Dekiere / Shutterstock

Level of difficulty The level of difficulty of meditation is subjective. Some may find it difficult, while others may not mind meditating for a long time.

How do I get there? All the meditation centres around Kandy can arrange transport to and from the city's guesthouses and hotels.

Book your meditation retreat or course

Kandy is famous throughout the country for being the spiritual capital. We recommend that you book at least two weeks in advance to be sure of getting a place.

Reservations can be made directly on the following websites:

  • Nilambe meditation centre
  • Sanatha Suwaya Meditation & Retreat Center
  • Paramitha International Buddhist Meditation Center
  • And on the websites of the centres you choose.

Our 3 favourite meditation centres:

Sanatha Suwaya Meditation & Retreat Centre

Sanatha Suwaya is both a traditional and modern centre. The centre also offers yoga classes with a teacher, which is rare in other centres, where classes are 'self-guided'.

Like most meditation centres, the timetable is strict if you stay overnight.

Address: Sanatha Suwaya, 112/1 Araliya Mawatha Kandy, 20400, Sri Lanka.

You can contact Sanatha Suwaya Meditation & Retreat Center.

Paramitha International Buddhist Meditation Centre

Paramitha is a Buddhist meditation centre 40 minutes from Kandy. In the spirit of Vipassana meditation, the centre welcomes participants for 5, 7 or 10 days. Most people stay for no more than 10 days, which already proves to be an interesting experience in silence. The timetable is very full, with days starting at 5 a.m. and finishing at 9 p.m. People wishing to come for the day are welcome. It is also possible to opt out of all the activities and meditations on offer. Address: Paramita Meditation Centre, Kadugannawa, Sri Lanka You can contact Sanatha Suwaya Meditation & Retreat Centre.

Nilambe Meditation Center

Nilambe is a Vipassana meditation centre perched in the mountains, 1 hour from Kandy. The centre is austere but pleasant. Here, meditation is a serious and strict practice. You wake up at 4.45am and start the day chanting mantras. After around 7 hours of meditation during the day, you go to bed at 9 p.m. The monks who supervise the retreats are on hand to answer your questions and talk to you if you need to. To take part in the Nilambe meditations, you need to register for the 10-day retreat programme and sleep on site.

Address: Nilambe Buddhist Meditation Centre, Nilambe, Sri Lanka Contact Nilambe to book your meditation.

"A stay at Nilambe allowed me to open up to myself. I had avoided looking at certain corners of my brain for a long time, but by meditating I came face to face with them. The monks helped me a lot to untangle all that. I came out light and full of compassion for myself. It was a fabulous experience" Myriam, on leaving a Vipassana retreat.

by Jude JONES
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