© Anton_Ivanov / Shutterstock

A country of a thousand contrasts

Peru in short

A land of contrasts, Peru offers every kind of climate, from the desert to the Amazon rainforest, from the Pacific coast to the peaks of the Andes Cordillera: a land of adventure in the footsteps of Tintin and Indiana Jones.10,000 years of history, 2,000 kilometres of coastline, peaks over 4,000 metres high: Peru is one of the most contrasting nations on the planet.

Follow the Inca Trail, fly over the mysterious Nazca figures, take the Andean train from Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, to Machu Pichu and sail on Lake Titicaca between floating reed villages. As you pass colourful markets and lost Inca cities, adventure awaits!

The Andes in Peru

The Andes in Peru

- © romeovip_md / Shutterstock

Why go there?

Lulled by legends of treasures, Peru is mythical for its gold and stones. But far from coming to conquer the country to enrich themselves, tourists are here to discover a rich and fascinating culture. It's not easy to choose where to go in Peru, with so many different destinations to choose from. However, a few must-sees stand out.

Intact Inca cities

Climbing Machu Picchu is not something you can improvise, as the site is in danger of deteriorating considerably with the passage of humans. Entrance to the site is now limited and it is imperative to have booked your place before you go. At an altitude of 2,430 m, in the middle of a tropical forest, Machu Picchu was certainly the most incredible creation of the Inca Empire (its walls, terraces and ramps seem to be integrated into the rock).

Cuzco is the birthplace of the Inca Empire and home to numerous vestiges of this civilisation, with its eponymous old town attracting many visitors. The famous Nazca lines in the northern desert region are one of the most talked-about sights in Peru, and remain a mystery to many researchers. Although everyone has their own interpretation, the sight seen from the sky is extraordinary.

Although the Inca culture is omnipresent, they are not the only civilisation to have inhabited the country before the Empire of the Sun. The many vestiges, customs and beliefs of the Nazca, Chavin and Moches peoples live on in Peru.

Les lignes de Nazca au Pérou

Les lignes de Nazca au Pérou

- © videobuzzing / Shutterstock

Stunning natural treasures

But that's not all, Peru is a country full of surprises. Did you know that it has sand dunes? On which you can surf? Cerro Blanco is a mountain covered in white sand. And for those who prefer the waves of the Pacific, head for the beaches known by experts as some of the best in the world for wave running.

Nature lovers will also want to explore the jungle that covers more than half the country: the Amazonas. Whether on foot or in a pirogue down the Madre de Dios river, the Amazon rainforest is full of surprises for Mother Nature lovers.

The Amazon jungle in Peru's Manu National Park

The Amazon jungle in Peru's Manu National Park

- © RPBaiao / Shutterstock

The arid steppes of the Altiplano, populated by vicuñas and llamas, are the picture-postcard image that cannot be missed on a trip to Peru. The best-known lake is undoubtedly Lake Titicaca, the largest and highest navigable lake in South America, at an altitude of 3,812 metres. A unique place in the world.

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca in Peru

- © saiko3p / Shutterstock

Finally, the capital Lima is an interesting place to stop. A third of the country's population lives in this lively, colourful city. From small bohemian neighbourhoods to tree-lined parks, locals and tourists from all over the world come together to share a moment with their families, couples or friends in the evenings and at weekends. Barranco, for example, boasts some of the city's best dance bars, as well as a number of pleasant restaurants where it's nice to sit down after an afternoon admiring the city's street art. Don't miss the archaeological sites in the heart of the city and the buildings and monuments dating back to colonial times.

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How to get there?

From Paris, Air France offers a direct flight to Lima, the capital. Flights with stopovers in Madrid, Amsterdam, Rio, Bogota and Panama City are operated by other airlines such as Latam, KLM and Copa Airlines.

Where to stay?

There is a wide range of hotels in Peru, whether you're in the city or out in the wilderness, and you'll find accommodation ranging from 5-star hotels to remote jungle lodges to comfortable Airbnb apartments in village squares. In order to get as close as possible to the indigenous populations, you can also be welcomed into certain communities to share a daily life different from our own in a hut where, despite the basic comforts, the experience will be enriching.

The colonial era can be seen in the architecture of some of the buildings that have been converted into hotels. You can discover pleasant spaces in accommodation with white walls, wooden balconies and an interior garden. In Amazonia, there are many lodges set in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. These thatched-roof bungalows provide all the comforts you need and offer uninterrupted views of the parks and rivers.

Practical information

Do I need a visa to go to Peru?

Peru does not require a visa for French nationals.

What identity documents are required to go to Peru?

A passport is required to enter Peru. It must be valid for at least 6 months at the time of arrival on Peruvian soil.

The Covid situation in Peru :

No tests are required on entering or leaving Peru, as the country has lifted its state of emergency.

What vaccinations are required for Peru?

There are no compulsory vaccinations for travelling to Peru, but several are recommended, such as hepatitis, hepatitis A and typhoid, as well as vaccinations against yellow fever and anti-malaria treatment if you are travelling to the Amazon at altitudes of over 2,300 m.

Time difference :

6 hours less in winter and 7 hours less in summer than French time.

lightbulb_outline Editor's tip

Adapt to the local way of life. Depending on the region you visit, cultural particularities may differ, and some outfits may be considered too short or daring in certain remote villages. If you want to take someone's photo, ask their permission.

Although many tourists in Lima smoke in the street, Peruvians are not smokers in general. So you may be asked to put out your cigarette if the smoke disturbs certain tables, even if you're on a restaurant terrace. Finally, don't forget to take mosquito repellent with you if you're travelling to high-risk areas.

Useful links
Peru Tourist Office

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